HI! I’m here. What a
lame blogger I’ve been. Sad because I
really have been thinking of turning this into something… Oh, me and my grandiose
thoughts ;-). We are going through a
pretty stressful period in my house right now – a lot of really big
things/decisions needing to happen all at once and it is really sapping
us. One thing about Hubs and I is that
we tend to handle stress together really well. I think it is one of the big
reasons I love him. But this is really
getting to us. These are big, huge adult
decisions that really impact our whole family.
And on a really tight timeline, we have to make them. So, it’s been pretty… crazy.
But, the good news on that is that I definitely have not missed a workout. I relish my time out as it gives me a very
much needed release. I almost wish I
worked out at a different time in the day, later, so I could get rid of the
tension, but I know whenever I get to get out and go, I will benefit ~ and
therefore, my family will too..

I am halfway through week 2 of my marathon running
program. I researched a lot of programs
and chose an intermediate level program (as opposed to a “first time marathoner”
one) designed for runners that have done a few marathons. Yea, I know I haven’t, but I think I would be
really bored with the first timer one because of the level I am already
training at. It is a program that doesn’t
focus on your TIME, because I don’t wear a watch (though I do get my pace by
tracking it on my phone and looking afterward), but distance and intensity. I
figure, if I decide to do more marathons next year, I can worry about the whole
time thing… back to this being my “intro to being an endurance athlete year.”
I did have a bit of a “yuck” moment last Saturday,
though. My “long” run was a 9 miler and
3 miles through, I rolled my ankle coming down a hill. If it were during a race, I would have kept
going, but after another 2 minutes, I felt it better to abort the run. I think that was a good decision because it
has been just a bit tender ever since. I’ve
run on it now twice and it is fine, but I think not going another 6 miles that
day was a good thing.
Next race is a half marathon on May 20 – the Marine Corps
Half Marathon. It’s a fairly challenging
course, especially a nasty hill at mile 9. But, I’m looking forward to the great adrenalin
rush! I haven’t run a race (besides a 5k
a little while after #3 was born… ha!) in 5 years! Matt and Dad are running it
too. Feel bad Matt is doing it – he’s
only been back off the injured reserve for 3 weeks, but he is going to get out
and go!
Swimming is going much, much better. I don’t dread getting up and going to the
pool and find that my endurance is getting much better every time I go. I think me deciding to not focus on my speed
and to make the conscious decision to slow down was such a good idea for me. I
know I definitely feel more comfortable in the water and even slowly finishing
is better than not being able to finish at all.
The bike? Eh… I just
need to get out on it. The great,
wonderful, fantastic news is that after we get over this crazy time in our
lives, Matt is going to buy a bike. He loves to ride and if we can go out
together for 20-30 miles, I would love it.
Unlike running, I would love to have a riding partner. And my brother is going to start bringing his
bike up when he visits, so the 3 of us can go out together.
I still usually get one day at the gym in, lifting.
Sometimes upper body, sometimes loads of squats, and always abs. It is so important to have a strong core
because in every part of a tri, you are engaging your core to push through.
Even food is going… better.
Not great because I, of course, am addicted to chocolate. And I really do not intend to change
that. Maybe come June I will because I
have two triathlons, one right after the other, but for now? I’m okay. But I’ve been drinking 100-125 oz of water a
day, I’ve been eating 5-6 times a day a good mix of foods, and for the most
part, what I take in is pretty good. I’ve finally started to lose some weight,
and that is good. I SHOULD be losing
some weight as I am holding on to fat in my butt and thighs. It is due to how I have been eating.
Now, I in NO WAY think I am overweight nor am I trying at
all to lose weight. I’m perfectly happy with how I look and what I weigh. I am
NOT dieting at all. I don’t count, I don’t journal. I am saying this for those that know my past
and that there was an unhealthy period for awhile. I will tell you that I most likely will weigh
equal or less than I did during that unhealthy period by the time the summer is
over. THAT being said, while I lived on
bunless hotdogs and coffee then, I eat… and eat… and eat now. And according to the BMI, I could lose like
20 pounds and still be “normal”. Now, personally, I think the BMI is a bunch of
crap because I am a size 2-4 and I’m 6 pounds away from being overweight, so I’m
calling bullshit. But my point is, I promise everyone, I’m eating, I’m healthy,
and I’m NOT overtraining. Because I don’t
have the freaking TIME!
That’s a long post.
If anyone is on Daily Mile, I’m there, logging my workouts. Find me!