Pulling into the race area was intimidating. While the night before there weren’t many people there, by 9:10am on race day, there were thousands. Cars everywhere, people of all shapes in sizes, wearing all sorts of fitness gear walking with bikes and backpacks. I was trying to act cool… like I knew what I was doing. I was determined to be like Chrissie Wellington – I was going to smile, always. I was feeling calm and relaxed for the most part. The sun was shining, I felt good… and that was really all I could ask for.
First thing I did was rack my bike and get my gear out in my area. I knew the fundamentals of my transition area, but didn’t know how THE TRANSITION AREA worked. What I found out is that you are racked based on your number. So, I had to find where my number was in this huge area of bike racks and that was my little space. And then unpack how I see fit without crowding anyone. Six bikes per rack – and my little space. I didn’t even know how to get my bike ON! But, I learned by watching, got my gear out and I was good to go. I think I did okay, too.
Walked over to get my timing chip (goes on your left ankle with a special strap and stays on the whole time) and to get marked (permanent marker – your number on both arms and front of both legs above your knees, then your division/age group on your left calf). Then, I went on a little jog. Nothing fast, more to get my legs moving and the blood flowing. It felt GREAT to move – and it was probably good to run on the trail a bit to get used to it. I was probably only running 5 minutes, but in the process completely lost Matt. I got really frustrated – nerves.
But, in the meantime, my brother and his girlfriend (who I was meeting for the first time – and who is wonderful – thank God because it would have sucked had I not liked her on THAT day of all days, right??) showed up. My brother is my inspiration in a lot of things and having him there to keep me calm and basically tell me to grow a pair and shut up was helpful. He is pretty much the only person in the world that can, or will, do that. And I love that about us.
After seeing them both, and yet another visit to the bathroom (er, porta potty), it was time for me to go get into my wetsuit. After one mishap (um – I put it on backwards. THAT would be nerves, folks), I was in. And… the rest of the family showed up! Three little girlies and my mom and dad! Initially I hadn’t wanted them there, but as soon as my huge cheering section showed up, I was so very happy they were there. I knew seeing and hearing them was really, really going to be wonderful.
Because I was swimming “Novice” – the designation for those of us that are total newbies – I was in the last start group of 6. That was good for me because the first horn went off at 10am and I had a full 15 minutes to get my breath, cheer a bit, and see what was doing!
So…. A lot of big hugs and kisses, and I sent people away! HERE WE GO!
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